Nuclear and Capitalism

Nuclear power will worsen the wealth gap

Nuclear power will worsen the wealth gap

Nuclear and Capitalism April 24, 2012 at 12:05 pm 0 comments

What is needed is a Copernican revolution. We used to think the sun went around the Earth and were proven wrong. Now we assume that life and the planet revolves around us humans — we are the centre of it all. The revolution needed is for us to recognise that the web of life and our wellbeing is dependent on the wellbeing of this planet. We humans are but part of the web, entirely dependent on a healthy planet. Our moral responsibilities must include those to the planet.

National Consultation on Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Feb 25-26, 2012

National Consultation on Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Feb 25-26, 2012

No to Nuclear ! A New Energy Future is Possible !!

The Crony Nuclear Capitalism in the US

The Crony Nuclear Capitalism in the US

Nuclear and Capitalism February 6, 2012 at 1:47 pm 0 comments

Patriotism, it’s said, is the last refuge of a scoundrel. A worthy example now making its way into the national spotlight is the United States Enrichment Corporation (USEC), which is making strained national security arguments on Capitol Hill to pave the way for a $2 billion federal bailout. If USEC had a sound product or argument, this subsidy might be defensible. USEC has neither.

Soli Sorabjee’s opinion on Liability Rules and CSC

Soli Sorabjee’s opinion on Liability Rules and CSC

Documents, Nuclear and Capitalism December 13, 2011 at 1:00 pm 0 comments

Soli Sorabjee’s opinion on Liability Rules and CSC