Climate change and nuclear justice intersect: Marshall Islands Ambassador Tony De Brum

“We Are Actually Here to Save the World…” was filmed by Brian Cowden on the veranda of Tony’s home overlooking Majuro Lagoon, Marshall Islands.

This was Ambassador De Brum’s last formal interview before his August 22, 2017 death and he speaks, most truly, from the heart about the intersect between climate change and the struggle for nuclear justice.

his film has been reviewed and formally endorsed for public release by members of Tony De Brum’s family and the Marshall Islands National Nuclear Commission.
It was recently posted on the NNC’s FACEBOOK page in commemoration of the 3rd anniversary of Ambassador De Brum’s death:
It is also posted on LABRATS International:
And, a for stand alone link:
Please fell free to further share this video.

Via: Barbara Rose Johnston

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