Tsunami is the Nature’s Warning, Stop Koodankulam Nuclear Power Plant: PMANE

PMANE Demands Immediate Halt of Work at KKNPP

Press Release

The People’s Movement Against Nuclear Energy (PMANE) thinks that today’s earthquake and tsunami are Nature’s warning against commissioning the KKNPP. We demand immediate halt of work at the Koodankulam Nuclear Power Project (KKNPP) in the wake of the massive earthquake off the coast of Indonesia, significant tremors all over Tamil Nadu and the potential danger of tsunami along the coast of Tamil Nadu. Some 28 countries have been affected by the Nature’s fury.

India’s eastern coast is facing the second massive earthquake and possible tsunami within a decade in our recent history. This shows how vulnerable and volatile our east coast is to set up dangerous nuclear power plants at Koodankulam, Kalpakkam and Kovvada.

The repeated empty assurances of the Department of Atomic Energy, scientists such as Dr. Abdul Kalam, politicians and bureaucrats that there would be no more earthquakes and tsunamis in our area stand exposed. It is strange that none of them has predicted any of these developments, or has spoken their minds about them.

In a massive agitation of thousands of people headed by Swami Agnivesh held at Idinthakarai this evening that was attended by several prominent anti-nuclear activists from Tamil Nadu and Kerala such as Dr. V. Pugazhendi, Joy Kaitharath, David Amalanathan, Panasai Arangan, and Gopalakrishna Panicker, the following demands have been made:

  •  The immediate removal of Uranium fuel rods from the KKNPP facility in the wake of Nature’s threats;
  •  The appointment of an independent team of experts to study the geology, hydrology and oceanography issues involved in the Koodankulam project without any further delay;
  •  The consultation of the local project-affected people for their approval or rejection of the KKNPP project; and
  •  The immediate and unconditional withdrawal of all the cases against all the protestors as agreed upon on our talks with the Tamil Nadu government’s authorities on March 27, 2012.

Thousands of people at the agitation raised these demands in this coastal village amidst fears of more tremors and possible tsunami threat. People were very upset by the fact no government official ever visited Idinthakarai and other coastal villages earlier in the day either to inform them about the disaster or to guide them out of possible dangers. They were disturbed by the reports that the KKNPP authorities were conducting meetings and making elaborate arrangements to rescue their workers and security officials to safety. The people decided to keep an all-night vigil along the coast.

The DMK President Mr. M. Karunanidhi slammed Sri Lanka two days ago for raking up the KKNPP issue and argued that it could not be “accepted if they rake up the issue now.”  The PMANE wonders what this so-called “Leader of the Tamils” has to say about the safety and wellbeing of the Tamils in Sri Lanka and India in the wake of today’s earthquake. This leader who is known for staging several dramas such as resignation of his party’s MPs and breakfast-to-Lunch hunger strike for the Eelam Tamils is meddling in their affairs again when the Indian Prime Minister and External Affairs Minister are keeping quiet.

The Struggle Committee
People’s Movement Against Nuclear Energy (PMANE)


People’s Movement Against Nuclear Energy (PMANE) April 11, 2012
Idinthakarai & P. O. 627 104
Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu
Phone: 98656 83735; 98421 54073




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