Post Tagged with: "Taiwan"

A nuclear-free Taiwan: the struggle is on

A nuclear-free Taiwan: the struggle is on

Latest June 16, 2015 at 5:06 pm 1 comment

The path to a nuclear-free country is never easy, and it takes decades to see it come to fruition. Since next-generation politicians in Taiwan are ready to open the conversation with the anti-nuclear citizens groups and pave the way towards a nuclear-free country, it would be beneficial for the whole society to start the conversation between the government and the civil groups as early as possible.

‘Taiwan might be the next Fukushima’

‘Taiwan might be the next Fukushima’

Latest October 4, 2014 at 7:46 pm 0 comments

While activists from all over Asia converged in Taipei recently for the No Nukes Asia Forum 2014, the Taiwanese govt extended the license for the NPP-1, just 20 kms from Taipei. Taiwan witnessed massive people’s protest early this year. interviewed Ada Chou in this context –

Taiwan: Anti-nuclear activists move toward referendum

Taiwan: Anti-nuclear activists move toward referendum

Antinuclear Movement, Asia July 12, 2014 at 9:32 am 0 comments

The Taiwan Environmental Protection Union said Friday it had handed in 122,000 endorsements for a nuclear referendum to the Central Election Commission. The group said it wanted the vote to take place on November 29, the day of regional and local elections all across Taiwan.

Huge Protests in Taiwan Might Force A Nuclear Re-Think

Huge Protests in Taiwan Might Force A Nuclear Re-Think

aiwan gears up to boost clean power production while debating the merit of nuclear power. The policy chane has been prompted by massive protests by the people who took to streets after the Fukushima accident.