Post Tagged with: "Sustainable Energy"

How Much Electricity Does One Need? – A Poem

How Much Electricity Does One Need? – A Poem

Energy Policy, Nuclear Energy Free World September 25, 2012 at 12:09 pm 0 comments

A Poem by V.T.Jayadevan

Envisioning A Non-Nuclear Energy Future For India

Envisioning A Non-Nuclear Energy Future For India

A Seminar was organized today at the Indian Social Institute (Lodhi Road, New Delhi) on the theme India’s Power Crisis and Nuclear Energy: Avoiding Power Black-outs, Avoiding False Solutions.

India’s Power Crisis and Nuclear Energy: Avoiding Power Black-outs, Avoiding False Solutions

India’s Power Crisis and Nuclear Energy: Avoiding Power Black-outs, Avoiding False Solutions

Alternatives, Energy Policy August 21, 2012 at 12:40 pm 0 comments

Several civil society organisations, including People’s Education and Action Centre (PEACE) and the Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament and Peace (CNDP) – propose to organise a half-day Seminar, followed by a Press Conference, in New Delhi on August 23, 2012

Nuclear power will worsen the wealth gap

Nuclear power will worsen the wealth gap

Nuclear and Capitalism April 24, 2012 at 12:05 pm 0 comments

What is needed is a Copernican revolution. We used to think the sun went around the Earth and were proven wrong. Now we assume that life and the planet revolves around us humans — we are the centre of it all. The revolution needed is for us to recognise that the web of life and our wellbeing is dependent on the wellbeing of this planet. We humans are but part of the web, entirely dependent on a healthy planet. Our moral responsibilities must include those to the planet.