Post Tagged with: "Sudhir Vombatkere"

Unclear nuclear issues

Unclear nuclear issues

Latest January 30, 2015 at 4:14 pm 0 comments

In the background of the adage that there are more questions that a fool can ask than a wise man can answer, this fool asks some questions of nuclear scientists and engineers.

Pushing Koodankulam to Criticality in Undemocratic: Maj Gen. Vombatkere’s Letter to the PM

Pushing Koodankulam to Criticality in Undemocratic: Maj Gen. Vombatkere’s Letter to the PM

Koodankulam July 16, 2013 at 10:46 am 0 comments

In pushing KKNPP to criticality before democratically and transparently addressing concerns regarding safety, health and financial costs and nuclear accident liability, the direct responsibility of the Prime Minister of India who heads DAE, and the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, is total. This is mentioned to state the enormity of the decision to press ahead with commissioning KKNPP, and the possible verdict of irresponsibility from future generations who will have to pay the costs in terms of health and genetic disorders, and also loss of lives, land and sea-based livelihoods due to radioactive fallout.

Nuclear Power: real risks, real costs

Nuclear Power: real risks, real costs

Nuclear Safety November 16, 2011 at 4:11 pm 28 comments

It is argued that Fukushima happened because of the combination of earthquake-tsunami, but then the accidents at Three Mile Island (USA) and Chernobyl (USSR/Russia) did not need earthquake or tsunami.