Post Tagged with: "Small and modular reactors"

Electricity from Small Modular Reactors: Hope or Nuclear Mirage?

Electricity from Small Modular Reactors: Hope or Nuclear Mirage?

Featured, Nuclear Technology February 22, 2018 at 4:21 am 0 comments

M. V. Ramana | Courtesy: Energy Studies Institute In October 2017, just after Puerto Rico was battered by Hurricane Maria, U.S. Secretary of Energy Rick Perry asked the audience at a conference on clean energy in Washington, D.C.: “Wouldn’t it make abundant good sense if we had small modular reactorsRead More

Small Nuclear Reactors, Failed Fantasies of 1950s that the Nuclear Industry is Peddling Again

Small Nuclear Reactors, Failed Fantasies of 1950s that the Nuclear Industry is Peddling Again

Industry and Lobbies December 23, 2017 at 11:48 pm 0 comments

There is nothing new about SMRs! They have been powering submarines and aircraft carriers ever since the since USS Nautilus was launched in 1955, over 60 years ago. And the world’s first purely civilian nuclear plant, at Shippingport in the USA, a 60MW SMR, went live in 1957. While civilian reactors got bigger, many hundreds of SMRs have been built and deployed for naval use.