Post Tagged with: "reprocessing"

India and Pakistan have illicitly amassed more nuclear weapons capacity than previously believed: New Report

India and Pakistan have illicitly amassed more nuclear weapons capacity than previously believed: New Report

Latest May 2, 2020 at 12:33 am 0 comments

India and Pakistan’s illicit procurement of nuclear technology relies on international commercial activity and consequently leaves a trail of publicly available information (PAI) through trade, corporate, flight, vessel, and other data. Each of these data points provides an indicator that can be used to identify proliferation risk. The challenge, then, is to identify, aggregate, and synthesize these risk indicators within vast amount of disparate data.

Nuclear chickens come home to roost

Nuclear chickens come home to roost

India's Nuclear Expansion June 29, 2011 at 5:33 pm 0 comments

The myth of a clean waiver from NSG has been finally busted with the group tightening its guidelines: Brahma Chellaney   During the more than three-year-long process to finalize the terms of the nuclear deal with the US, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh kept meretriciously reassuring the nation that he wouldRead More