Post Tagged with: "renewable energy"

Nuclear Power: The Energy of Protest. The Future could be Renewable

Nuclear Power: The Energy of Protest. The Future could be Renewable

Alternatives November 29, 2012 at 11:23 am 0 comments

With proper commitment and investment in renewable energy and a push towards an alternative model of development, the future need not resemble the past or indeed the increasingly catastrophic present. The future could be bright. The future could be renewable.

Is the ‘Green’ Germany Importing Nuclear Electricity from France?: A Correspondence

Alternatives, Nuclear Commerce June 17, 2012 at 10:17 pm 2 comments

A correspondence between independent expert Laurent Fournier and the Department of Atomic Energy, Govt of India, on Indian Prime Minister’s assertion in the parliament that Germany is importing nuclear electricity from France.

Necessity of Nuclear Energy for India: Debunking the Myth

Necessity of Nuclear Energy for India: Debunking the Myth

There is a prevailing fiction actively promoted by the government that Nuclear Energy is the only way out of the energy crisis for India. Every time I write about issues with nuclear energy, there are people making comments like stay in the dark ages, etc. So let us look at some facts around this scenario.

National Consultation on Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Feb 25-26, 2012

National Consultation on Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Feb 25-26, 2012

No to Nuclear ! A New Energy Future is Possible !!