Post Tagged with: "reactor"

Nuclear Power: The Politics of Power and Control

Nuclear Power: The Politics of Power and Control

Major General Sudhir Vombatkere Major General S.G. Vombatkere retired as the Additional Director General, Discipline & Vigilance in Army HQ, New Delhi. He is Adjunct Associate Professor of the University of Iowa, USA, in international studies, and is a member of NAPM and PUCL. He writes on strategic and development-relatedRead More

Nuclear safety before vendor interests

Nuclear safety before vendor interests

Nuclear Safety October 30, 2012 at 1:58 am 0 comments

The question that must be asked, is whether India is willing to compromise on its laws and the safety and rights of its citizens to protect the business interests of reactor suppliers In 2010, under pressure from multinational nuclear suppliers, the Manmohan Singh government pushed through a law to protect them from the consequences of a nuclear accident. The law makes it impossible for victims to sue the supplier, even for an accident that results from a design defect.

Renewable energy is the future, not nuclear: Ashok Parthasarathi

Renewable energy is the future, not nuclear: Ashok Parthasarathi

India's Nuclear Expansion June 18, 2011 at 10:35 pm 0 comments

    There are recurring slippages in the timescales of setting up nuclear power plants, particularly imported ones. Inevitably, there are cost over-runs too. Nuclear power is often referred to as a ‘clean’, safe, economically cost-effective and environmentally benign source of electric power. This is incorrect. It is not ‘clean’Read More

How Nuclear Power Works

How Nuclear Power Works

Resources May 6, 2011 at 1:28 am 0 comments

(Courtesy: Union of Concerned Scientist s   How Nuclear Power Works Principles of Nuclear Power Atoms are constructed like miniature solar systems. At the center of the atom is the nucleus, and orbiting around it are electrons. The nucleus is composed of protons and neutrons, very densely packed together. Hydrogen,Read More