Post Tagged with: "Nuclear Safety"

AEC calls Kudankulam shut-downs serious, but institutionalised nuclear complacency continues: Dr. EAS Sarma

AEC calls Kudankulam shut-downs serious, but institutionalised nuclear complacency continues: Dr. EAS Sarma

Should not DAE and AERB enhance the transparency of NPCIL’s operations and provide more details to the public? The least that DAE could have done is to enhance the safety oversight and take the public into greater confidence.

‘Confessions of a rogue nuclear regulator’: excerpts from the latest book by former US NRC Chief Gregory Jaczko

‘Confessions of a rogue nuclear regulator’: excerpts from the latest book by former US NRC Chief Gregory Jaczko

Featured, Nuclear Safety Regulation, Reviews January 23, 2019 at 7:49 am 0 comments

My interest in fire safety was sparked years earlier, when I learned about the 1975 fire at the Browns Ferry nuclear power plant in Tennessee. That fire grew out of routine maintenance work on the buildings that housed the reactor. Despite their formidable size, the containment structures of many nuclear power plants, designed to corral dangerous radiation in the event of an accident, are punctured by vents and ducts. These penetration points are the weak spots that can undermine an otherwise airtight containment shell. A leak in one of these areas is a significant problem.

Video: Thom Hartmann reading from ‘Confessions of a Rogue Nuclear Regulator’

Video: Thom Hartmann reading from ‘Confessions of a Rogue Nuclear Regulator’

Nuclear Safety Regulation, Videos January 7, 2019 at 12:11 am 0 comments

Thom reads from ‘Confessions of a Rogue Nuclear Regulator’ by Gregory B. Jaczko. A shocking exposé from the most powerful insider in nuclear regulation about how the nuclear energy industry endangers our lives—and why Congress does nothing to stop it. Greg Jaczko never planned things to turn out this way. A Birkenstocks-wearing physics PhD, he had never heard of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) when he came to Washington and—thanks to the determination of a powerful senator—found himself at the agency’s head.

Dear DAE, How About Inviting Some Independent Experts to Your Seminar on Nuclear Safety in India?

Dear DAE, How About Inviting Some Independent Experts to Your Seminar on Nuclear Safety in India?

Documents October 4, 2018 at 8:25 pm 1 comment

An open letter to the Atomic Energy Commission by Shri Shankar Sharma, an independent power policy analyst – “I am astounded by the absence of any commitment by the DAE to make such seminars inclusive, and to effectively involve those who have a decent knowledge of the associated issues and have serious concerns on certain aspects of nuclear power. “