Post Tagged with: "nuclear radiation"

Radiation in Our Food

Radiation in Our Food

Nuclear and Food, Nuclear Energy June 30, 2011 at 9:32 am 0 comments

    Though the horrendous tsunami that hit Japan on March 12, 2011 seems like old news in the midst of today’s headlines, the crippled nuclear power plants at Fukishima Daichi continue to spew radiation into water, air and soil, with no end in sight. Even as thousands of JapaneseRead More

Nuclear Radiation is a Symptom of Crony Capitalism

Nuclear Radiation is a Symptom of Crony Capitalism

Before America can protect itself from Nuclear Radiation, we must first teach the children how to recognize propaganda, and how to avoid it’s influences.  The Nuclear industry sponsors Dr. Bill Wattenburg on the radio to perpetually espouse the benefits of Nuclear power.  He denies the risks and hazards.  His supportiveRead More