Post Tagged with: "Nuclear Cover-up"

Secret Chernobyl Documents Expose the Cover-Up

Secret Chernobyl Documents Expose the Cover-Up

In 1990, journalist Alla Yaroshinskaya came across secret documents about the Chernobyl catastrophe that revealed a massive cover-up operation and a calculated policy of disinformation. The state and party leadership had knowingly played down the extent of the contamination and offered a sanitized version to the outside world. In 1991, five years after the accident, a series of laws was adopted to protect the victims of radiation; now, scientists have begun to find serious flaws in these too. As recent studies show, the human and environmental damage shows no sign of abating.

Fukushima and the Battle for Truth

Fukushima and the Battle for Truth

Fukushima, Media and Censorship September 28, 2011 at 2:01 am 1 comment

Large sectors of the Japanese population are accumulating significant levels of internal contamination by Paul Zimmerman (on Global Research)   Fukushima’s nuclear disaster is a nightmare. Ghostly releases of radioactivity haunt the Japanese countryside. Lives, once safe, are now beset by an ineffable scourge promising vile illness and death. LargeRead More