Post Tagged with: "Nuclear Corporates"

Nuclear Energy- A Worker’s Point of View

Nuclear Energy- A Worker’s Point of View

Nuclear and Capitalism September 24, 2011 at 12:06 am 0 comments

By Joe Johnson Socialist Viewpoint “The philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways; the point is to change it.” —Karl Marx Most of Marxism is relatively simple class struggle—which side are you on? However, there are some areas that are difficult and cannot be made simple. I findRead More

Nuclear Power and the Nuremberg Code: Experimenting on the Global Population

Nuclear Power and the Nuremberg Code: Experimenting on the Global Population

    By STEVE BREYMAN The German Parliament voted last week to phase-out nuclear power by 2022. Thus far lacking a legislative commitment, Prime Minister Naoto Kan says even resource-poor Japan should wean itself from nuclear power. Seventy percent of Japanese parliamentarians agree with him. What is it about WorldRead More