Post Tagged with: "Keito Hirabayashi"

Three Years of Fukushima—What I still believe in

Three Years of Fukushima—What I still believe in

Fukushima, Movements and Social Change March 10, 2014 at 4:03 pm 1 comment

Small details are etched indelibly in our minds and come to the surface once again at this time of year in all the graphic intensity of that horrible day. Being unable to stand because of the shaking, which went on so long that it gave you time to think, as you flailed helplessly with everyone around you for something solid to hang on to. In that moment, somehow there was a realization, deep inside, completely irrational, but nonetheless true – That the world would never be the same again.

Fukushima: Voices from a bar in Tokyo

Fukushima: Voices from a bar in Tokyo

Fukushima July 7, 2012 at 8:00 am 0 comments

I guess revolution was never meant to be easy and we do seem to be at a point in Japan where it is very obvious to large numbers of people that things do have to change, quite fundamentally.