Post Tagged with: "EIA"

Engineering nuclear landscapes through the charade of the green clearance

Engineering nuclear landscapes through the charade of the green clearance

Sonali Huria | Just as concerns of cost and safety occasion an assessment and re-think of the blind pursuit of nuclear energy, the flagrant contempt for environmental accountability on the part of the NPCIL and the larger nuclear establishment, is reason enough to place all proposed nuclear projects and expansion plans on hold.

Kaiga’s EIA Failed to Capture Essential Concerns: Dr. EAS Sarma’s Letter to Dr. K S Parthasarathy on Nuclear Plant’s Expansion

Kaiga’s EIA Failed to Capture Essential Concerns: Dr. EAS Sarma’s Letter to Dr. K S Parthasarathy on Nuclear Plant’s Expansion

Kaiga December 17, 2018 at 11:15 am 0 comments

EAS Sarma | public consultation process cannot be treated as a ritualistic exercise to get clearances. The people of this country are the primary stakeholders in such large projects and their concerns are far too important to be ignored.

Centre slams NPCIL over propsed Gujarat power plant

Centre slams NPCIL over propsed Gujarat power plant

Latest, Mithivirdi October 9, 2014 at 3:35 pm 0 comments

The Union Ministry for Environment and Forests (MoEF), which has fast-tracked other green clearances, has ripped apart the Nuclear Power Corporation of India (NPCIL)’s environment impact assessment report on the proposed atomic power plant near Gujarat’s South Saurashtra coast, citing lack of clarity on several issues.

Eminent Citizens’ Statement against Farcical ‘Public Hearing’ on Nuclear Reactor in Haryana

Eminent Citizens’ Statement against Farcical ‘Public Hearing’ on Nuclear Reactor in Haryana

We demand that the public hearing in Haryana must be postponed with immediate effect, and should be conducted in free, fair and fearless atmosphere after providing the entire report to the people 1 month in advance