Post Tagged with: "#DontNukeTheClimate"

IAEA’s First Nuclear Energy Summit in Brussels: More than 600 organisations protest globally, call it “fairy tale”

IAEA’s First Nuclear Energy Summit in Brussels: More than 600 organisations protest globally, call it “fairy tale”

Climate Change and Nuclear Power March 23, 2024 at 10:20 pm 0 comments

According to activist group Don’t Nuke the Climate, tripling nuclear capacity by 2050 would require countries to connect between 24 and 28 new reactors to the grid each year for the next 26 years, a completely unrealistic goal. These are large reactors; even more would be needed if the reactors are smaller.

COP28 and the anachronistic push for Nuclear Power

COP28 and the anachronistic push for Nuclear Power

COP28’s Unrealistic Tripling of Nuclear Power CounterPunch | Robert Hunziker UN climate conferences since 1992 have failed to follow through with results, as CO2 emissions continue higher and higher with every passing year. In fact, post climate conference impact of adopted proposals has become something 0f an inside joke. TheRead More

Nuclear Stockholm Syndrome: Prof Robert Jacobs responds to a nuclear apologist

Nuclear Stockholm Syndrome: Prof Robert Jacobs responds to a nuclear apologist

Editor's choice, Nuclear Energy July 14, 2021 at 8:06 pm 0 comments

Robert Jacobs | CounterPunch Bhaskar Sunkara’s recent opinion piece extoling the virtues of nuclear power and castigating its opponents as paranoid and ill-informed, is clearly motivated by his deep concerns over the dire impacts of global warming, which loom closer by the hour. Unfortunately, his arguments amount to little more than regurgitatedRead More

Nuclear Industry Eyeing $100 Billion Climate Fund: Before COP23, Coalition Formed To Say “Don’t Nuke The Climate!”

Nuclear Industry Eyeing $100 Billion Climate Fund: Before COP23, Coalition Formed To Say “Don’t Nuke The Climate!”

Climate Change and Nuclear Power August 9, 2017 at 9:08 pm 0 comments

An international coalition lead by organizations from nine countries launched a new campaign today–“Don’t Nuke the Climate”–to ensure nuclear power and other false climate solutions do not derail global efforts to reduce the extent of global warming.