Post Tagged with: "Coalition Against Nukes"

Stop India-Japan Nuclear Agreement: US-based anti-nuke group writes to both PMs

Stop India-Japan Nuclear Agreement: US-based anti-nuke group writes to both PMs

Antinuclear Movement, Nuclear Commerce January 23, 2014 at 4:39 pm 0 comments

The Coalition Against Nukes stands in solidarity with the people of India to send a clear message to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan and the nuclear industry. Your nuclear technologies are NOT welcome in India and they are not welcome anywhere.

Fighting Back Against Nuclear Power

Fighting Back Against Nuclear Power

Movements and Social Change September 29, 2011 at 8:31 am 1 comment

by MICHAEL LEONARDI As the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Nuclear Industry, and Obama administration continue to push nuclear energy as safe and clean, a grassroots insurgency is growing from the awakening depths of the growingly vociferous American maelstrom. Fukushima’s three meltdowns continue to emit over a billion bequerels of radioactivity a dayRead More