Post Tagged with: "APJ Abdul Kalam"

Does People’s Life Matter to You, Dr. Kalam?

Does People’s Life Matter to You, Dr. Kalam?

‘Kalamian dream syndrome’ that gauges the development merely on the number of scientific projects initiated and not on the welfare and rights of the people shall give rise to more incidents of public uproar and mass protests.

Open letter to Dr. Kalam on Koodunkulam Nuclear Plant shutdown response time

Open letter to Dr. Kalam on Koodunkulam Nuclear Plant shutdown response time

Koodankulam December 23, 2011 at 1:59 pm 0 comments

Recently in the media conference on Koodunkulam Nuclear Power Plant, You have declared “Koodunkulam reactor will be shutdown in three minutes flat in case of natural disasters like Earthquakes or Tsunamis”. Though we are excited to hear such a strong soothing statement from you, yet as Engineers we are baffled.