Post Tagged with: "Anuj Wankhede"

Mithivirdi: Massive Protest Against Proposed US-imported Reactors on April 26

Mithivirdi: Massive Protest Against Proposed US-imported Reactors on April 26

Antinuclear Movement, Mithivirdi April 21, 2013 at 5:37 pm 0 comments

Angry at the flawed and incorrect EIA report submitted by NPCIL in March and adamant that they will not allow this dangerous technology in their backyards, residents from Mithi Virdee, adjoining villages and from Bhavnagar city will hold a protest meet and a rally.

Time for You to Move on, Mr. Narayanasamy!

Time for You to Move on, Mr. Narayanasamy!

The parallels between the functioning of the Government of Japan (GoJ) pre and post Fukushima and the Government of India (GoI) are uncanny as are the similarities between the functioning of TEPCO and NPCIL as well as that of the regulators.

Do you understand Liability, Mr. M. R. Srinivasan?

Do you understand Liability, Mr. M. R. Srinivasan?

Let anyone come to India, pollute, plunder, loot, take their profits, cause damages and then scoot……We are after all a banana republic. A nuclear banana.

Technology is No Guarantee to Safety (Part-II)

Technology is No Guarantee to Safety (Part-II)

Koodankulam, Nuclear Safety June 28, 2012 at 7:58 am 1 comment

At Koodankulam, we are putting up nuclear reactors which have the so-called “core catcher,” while at Jaitapur, we will be using the latest EPR technology from France. Both of these are not fully tested. In fact, the French reactor is not even certified by the US and Finland has cancelled its plan to build a reactor based on this technology.