Post Tagged with: "Antinuclear Movement"

Indian Point – We Are Flirting With Catastrophe

Indian Point – We Are Flirting With Catastrophe

Indian Point – We Are Flirting With Catastrophe a transcript of the February 16th installment of The Big Picture, hosted by Thom Hartmann, broadcast on Russia Today, February 16, 2016 (Posted on Dianuke for non-commercial use.) Alexey Yaroshevsky, RT America joins Thom Hartmann. For years people have been claiming thatRead More

February 28th, 1989 – Birth of the anti-nuclear movement “Nevada-Semipalatinsk”

February 28th, 1989 – Birth of the anti-nuclear movement “Nevada-Semipalatinsk”

One of the more important but more forgotten dates of the anti-nuclear movement is February 28, 1989. This was the day when Kazakh writer Olzhas Suleimenov broke from the plan of a televised poetry reading to speak about the effects of nuclear weapons tests in eastern Kazakhstan. His act ofRead More

Maison de la Résistance in Bure, France

Maison de la Résistance in Bure, France

While nations in Africa and Asia are coming under tremendous foreign pressure to adopt nuclear energy as the answer to their energy problems, the nations that are trying to sell nuclear reactors to them are actually at the end of the road of their nuclear dreams. Nuclear energy is noRead More

‘Taiwan might be the next Fukushima’

‘Taiwan might be the next Fukushima’

Latest October 4, 2014 at 7:46 pm 0 comments

While activists from all over Asia converged in Taipei recently for the No Nukes Asia Forum 2014, the Taiwanese govt extended the license for the NPP-1, just 20 kms from Taipei. Taiwan witnessed massive people’s protest early this year. interviewed Ada Chou in this context –