Post Tagged with: "Antinuclear Movement"

Massive Hunger Strike Against Koodankulam Nuclear Power Plant

Massive Hunger Strike Against Koodankulam Nuclear Power Plant

Koodankulam, Resistance News August 17, 2011 at 11:31 am 4 comments

PRESS RELEASE  For immediate release August 17, 2011 People’s Movement Against Nuclear Energy (PMANE) 42/27 Esankai Mani Veethy Parakkai Road Junction Nagercoil 629 002, Tamil Nadu, India Phone: 91-9865683735 Email:  Four Gram Sabhas Demand Koodankulam NPP’s Closing     Massive Hunger Strike at Idinthakarai People from Koodankulam, Vijayapathi, Koothankuli andRead More

What it means to be an anti-nuke activist after Fukushima

What it means to be an anti-nuke activist after Fukushima

Me, Xavier F., environmentalist and common citizen (Sortir du Nucleaire) My name is Xavier, I ‘am 38 years old. I lived in couple without children, in the North of Yvelines, in Parisian suburb. I’m from the South-West. I have long worked in the food industry, I worked in quality management.Read More