Post Tagged with: "Anil Kakodkar"

Some Questions to Dr. Anil Kakodkar: Vivek Monteiro

Some Questions to Dr. Anil Kakodkar: Vivek Monteiro

India's Nuclear Expansion, Jaitapur October 14, 2011 at 6:43 pm 13 comments

Dr. Vivek Monteiro is a prominent social and labor-rights activist. He holds a doctorate in engineering from Harvard University and is a leading voice in the struggle against Jaitapur Nuclear Power Project. Dr. Anil Kakodkar, you are a scientist. I am just a simple resident of Madban. Since you areRead More

What’s Ailing Jaitapur…..

What’s Ailing Jaitapur…..

Jaitapur June 22, 2011 at 12:44 am 0 comments

  Pradnya Samant My visit to my native place Malvan in the Sindhudurg district of Maharashtra, was arousing another curiosity in me. Jaitapur, just 70 kms from Malvan and 28 kms off the NH-17, was an easily reachable site. The setting up of the largest Nuclear Power plant in Jaitapur,Read More

What Fukushima Tells Us: Anil Kakodkar

What Fukushima Tells Us: Anil Kakodkar

Fukushima April 21, 2011 at 3:36 pm 0 comments

      Rather than question the safety of nuclear power, we should strive to strengthen it. The accident at Japan’s Fukushima nuclear power plant as result of a tsunami seems to have made a heavier impact on the public mind all over the world than the tsunami itself. ThisRead More