Post Tagged with: "Anandi Sharan"

Climate Change, Capitalism, Patriarchy: Its All A Single Battle Now

Climate Change, Capitalism, Patriarchy: Its All A Single Battle Now

Anandi Sharan, Hari Sharan, Ritumba Manuvie, Sudhir Vombatkere, Daniel Taghioff, Hartman de Souza, Suprabha Seshan, Shankar Sharma, CK Vishwanath, Sauman Das Gupta, Anuradha Dasgupta, Biplab Pal, and others are preparing a plaint to defend the right to life against the forces that are causing climate change.

Fukushima and the struggle for a sustainable world

Fukushima and the struggle for a sustainable world

On the occasion of the first anniversary of the Fukushima disaster it would thus be sensible to remind ourselves of what we really want.