January 9, 2012
People’s Movement Against Nuclear Energy (PMANE)
Idinthakarai 627 104
Tirunelveli District
Tamil Nadu
The Honorable Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu
Fort St. George
Chennai 600 009
The Honorable Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh
The Honorable Chief Minister of West Bengal
West Bengal
Your Excellencies:
Greetings! We write to request you, three popular and bold leaders of India, to rescue our country from the clutches of international nuclear mafia. As the central government of India signs nuclear deals with the United States, Russia, France and scores of other countries, the people of the above countries gain employment, their MNCs reap huge profits and these countries strengthen their fledgling economies. But Indian fishermen, farmers, Dalit workers and other deprived sections of our country get affected in all kinds of ways: loss of livelihood, loss of natural resources, loss of food security, loss of nutrition, diseases, debt, insecurities, vulnerabilities and so forth.
As you all know, our own country’s nuclear performance has been quite dismal, insignificant and wasteful. Even after spending so much money, resources, time and national energies for the past 63 years, they produce hardly 2.5% electricity and done little for the betterment of our people. With increased allotment of resources and strategic importance, the nuclear department meddles in national politics. Invigorating this nuclear department further will lead only to slavery and not salvation.
To save the ordinary Indian citizens and to safeguard their survival, wellbeing and freedom, the country needs the intervention of thoughtful, caring and creative leaders such as yourselves. As women leaders with motherly concern for the people who enjoy people’s trust and huge political mandate, you are the hopes of our country’s youth and children.
May we request Your Excellencies to take steps to rescind all the nuclear agreements that the central government has signed with the United States, Russia, France and many countries around the world. Please envision a people-friendly, Nature-friendly, and Future-friendly energy policy for our country and design alternative energy programs and projects that protect our peoples’ rights to life and livelihood, and safeguard the interest of our youth and children.
We earnestly hope that Your Excellencies will bring up the nuclear issue in the upcoming Chief Ministers’ conference. We also hope that your joint efforts will put the country on the path of sustainable development, appropriate technology and Nature-friendly energy security.
Looking forward to your constructive efforts and initiatives, we send you all our best personal regards and all peaceful wishes,
S. P. Udayakumar M. P. Jesuraj R. S. Muhilan
Coordinator Member