Broken human. (Mochizuki Iori’s daily column from Japan – August 24, 2011)

Mochizuki Cheshire Iori A Civil Engineer (27 years old) living in Yokohama. Also exports Japanese pop culture goods. Fukushima Diary is his daily summary of events as they unfold, also his picks from Japanese media and other social media.. Readers can catch up with him on’s Facebook group.


Low dose symptoms are becoming more obvious and more.

A medical worker in Miyagi claims,there have been too many cases of usual parturition.
From her experience,it’s unimaginable.

①、Late March @Ishinomaki 3 weeks immature birth
②、Early April @Ishinomaki 3 weeks immature birth
③、May @Sendai  No problem found in routine examination → macrocephaly
④、May @Chiba 3 weeks immature birth
⑤、May @Chiba 4 weeks immature birth.Severe handicap
⑥、June @Sendai 3 months immature birth.600g 3 surgeries. NICU of the major hospital
in Sendai is full.
⑦、July @Tokyo 3 weeks immature birth
⑧、August @South Miyagi 7 weeks threatened premature delivery.

also,it’s affecting infant too.

2 years old child near Fukushima plant had acute lymphatic leukemia.
Doctor diagnosed the child had his DNA severely damaged 2 weeks before.!/EscKaminosekiNP/status/105988298404667393

It has been assumed since 311.However,when it’s actually coming in front of my eyes,I
have no words to express my feelings.



Fast-breeder nuclear reactor,Monju is expected to be re-started.
Current JP PM Kan decided to abandon because it’s way more risky than light-water
reactor plant,such as Fukushima plant.
Monju uses natrium for its cooling system but it explodes when it leaks unlike water.
They invested 2.4 trillion yen into this crap but it has never worked properly.Since they
dropped 3.5t of a part into the reactor 8/26/2010,it has been stopped.The reactor is highly
likely to be damaged because of this accident but there is even no way to check it.
Therefore the attempt to re-start is almost insane.


17,651 students of Fukushima has evacuated from Fukushima. This is about 8% of all the
students in Fukushima.
70% of the reason to evacuate is “Radiation”.


J-village,sports club in Fukushima is run by Fukushima mayor.
President ; Sato Yuhei(Fukushima mayor)
Vice president ; Tsuzumi Norio(Vise president of Tepco)

No wonder why Fukushima local government keeps betraying their own citizens.


Finally they admitted it is because of radiation.

A patient went to a hospital in Chiba for fatigue and nosebleed.Doctor diagnosed it was
because of radiation. The patient evacuated.

RT @Chooemon92
( #iwakamiyasumi5 live at


It turned out that agricultural products from 100 regions around in Kanto and North Japan
had NEVER been checked until the end of July.
The reason why they didn’t check them at all is not cleared yet.
Ministry of health excused that they will conduct “no-notice inspection” for those areas from

We were suspicious about their checking system but our assumption was totally right.They
didn’t do anything. Probably we must be aware that they have zero intention to save our


A very valuable material was revived. A robot operator at Fukushima wrote a blog about
what he did,how it was though it didn’t mention too much confidential issues.However,the
blog was shut down and deleted all of a sudden.
An IEEE journalist revived the material from cache remaining on the internet.He even
revived a video uploaded.
I recommend you to save it offline.


Fukushima university conducted radiation check of air dose from May to July.Cesium and
IODINE have been detected still. It means Fukushima is still in the critical state.
Asahi shimbun 8/19/2011 page 28

これがホントなら再臨界。  朝日新聞8月19日28面。福島大学の渡辺明副学長が県内


A radio personality of Yokohama FM talked on his radio program.”I’ve been having sore
throat through this year. so many other people have been too.What the hell is that ?”



A medical worker in Miyagi claims,there have been too many cases of usual parturition.
From her experience,it’s unimaginable.

①、Late March @Ishinomaki 3 weeks immature birth
②、Early April @Ishinomaki 3 weeks immature birth
③、May @Sendai  No problem found in routine examination → macrocephaly
④、May @Chiba 3 weeks immature birth
⑤、May @Chiba 4 weeks immature birth.Severe handicap

⑥、June @Sendai 3 months immature birth.600g 3 surgeries. NICU of the major hospital
in Sendai is full.
⑦、July @Tokyo 3 weeks immature birth
⑧、August @South Miyagi 7 weeks threatened premature delivery.


2 years old child near Fukushima plant had acute lymphatic leukemia.
Doctor diagnosed the child had his DNA severely damaged 2 weeks before.!/EscKaminosekiNP/status/105988298404667393


Ministry of environment abandoned
They have shifted to LNG and steam-power generation produced by other power
company.Tepco with GREAT nuclear power lost in the competitive bid because of the cost

失笑。不経済な東電、霞ヶ関でも不要。 RT @yamichourou: 東京新聞:霞が関の電力は東電
じゃない:特報 環境省の合同庁舎五号館は既に脱原発。LNGと火力で発電す


According to the data of Chernobyl,Cesium137 decreased from plants and buildings
rapidly,but it didn’t decrease from the ground.
2 years later>20% down
6 years later>30% down
7 years later>No change.



“It’s 9.99uSv/h when we put a geiger counter directly on the ground.but it gets low when we
have it at 1m high from the ground.It means,we need to put the counter as low as possible
if we try to check accurate radiation level.(Tohoku university)”



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