According to a latest report on IBN Live:
“People’s Movement Against Nuclear Energy (PMANE) representative M Pushparayan on Friday lodged a complaint with the City Police Commissioner alleging that he and his family were facing threat to their lives. Pushparayan, also the State government nominee to the Koodankulam panel, stated in his complaint that on January 3, he had received an anonymous letter at his house in Jawahar Nagar, NGO A Colony, in Tirunelveli.
The letter, which reportedly carried the signature of a low-profile Hindu outfit, warned that the PMANE leader and his family would be bumped off. Pushparayan alleged that since last month, he had been recieving threats on his mobile phone and through letters as well and sought action.”

M PUshparayan
In a recent interview to, Mr. Pushparayan had exprerssed apprehension of violence and repression. Besides being involved in the awareness work in the coastal area for decades on various issues of sustainability, justice and environmental protection, he has also been the parish priest at Perumanal.
Speaking to, prominent secular activist Dr. Suresh Khairnar said: “When activists like Swami Ramdev or Swami Agnivesh take up non-religious issues like corruption, nobody thinks of bringing up their Hindu identity and people from all communities support them. Then why the Christian identity of activists and people in Koodankulam movement is being targeted? It is a bad precendent for the multi-religious and multicultural fibre of our country.”
The government agencies have in tha past reported to be doing religious profiling of people in the Koodankulam protests. Churches have been targeted and prevented from providing
Encouraged by such behaviour on the part of government, a major Tamil newspaper Dinamalar also mischievously posted contact details of prominent Koodankulam activists recently while accusing them of being driven by ‘foreign fund’. Soon after, the activists in Koodankulam started getting threatening and obscene calls and had registered their complaint with the editor of the newspaper.
Hindu fundamentalist organizations are known for giving any issue a religious color. These ‘fringe’ organisations have spread their fangs in the south Indian states in the recent years. Last week, six members of a Hindu fascist group were caught by the police in the neighbouring state of Karnataka while hoisting Pakistan’s flag on a government building in their attempt to stoke communal tension. (See the BBC story here)
– A report