Full text: Indian anti-nuclear groups’ statement on 10 years of the Fukushima accident

​We, the members of various anti-Uranium mining, anti-nuclear power, anti-nuclear bomb groups and movements all over India, would like to express our solidarity with the people of Japan in the wake of the tenth anniversary of the Fukushima disaster.

The Great East Japan Earthquake disaster had a 9 point (on the  Reichter scale) earthquake, produced 14 meter high tsunami waves and disappeared in a matter of few day​​s. But the nuclear power plant disaster given rise to by the earthquake and the tsunami is still lingering with serious repercussions for humans, other beings and the overall ecological well-being. Various governments around the world fail to learn from the Fukushima catastrophe and go on establishing huge reactors in mega nuclear power parks. Indian government that erects imported reactors on the coast all over the country is certainly one of them.

If there is one country in the whole wide world that has suffered from both nuclear bombs and nuclear power accidents, it is Japan. And hence Japan has to be a legitimate leader in the global anti-nuclear movement and provide leadership for this important cause. While the Japanese civil society does its part in this struggle, the political society is dragging its feet.

So we would like to request the whole of Japan to lead the planetary society in its crusade against nuclear weapons and reactors. Japan has to take up the cause of banning nuclear weapons all together from the face of the Earth.

We, the Indian anti-nuclear activists, would stand with the Japanese counterparts in making our joint home, Mother Earth, safe and sustainable for the future generations.


1. National Alliance of Anti-nuclear Movements (NAAM)
2. People’s Movement Against Nuclear Energy (PMANE)
3. Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament and Peace (CNDP)
4. National Alliance of People’s Movements (NAPM)
5. Poovulagin Nanbargal
6. Haryana Parmanu Sanyantra Virodhi Morcha
7. Chutka Parmanu Virodhi Sangharsh Samity
8. Movement against Jaitapur Nuclear Power Project
9. Janahakka Seva Samiti, Jaitapur
10. Madban, Mithgavhane Panchkroshi Sangharsh Samiti, Madban



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