‘My Grandfather Flew Planes to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the other Grandfather was a Victim’

In a time of political uncertainty, what can we learn from the last eye witnesses of the first and hopefully only nuclear war, or Japan’s nuclear meltdown? My grandfather, Jacob Beser , was the only man in the world to have flown on both planes hat dropped the atomic bombs, and as a child I met the friend of my OTHER grandfather,a survivor from Hiroshima. I followed this strange coincidence to Japan and have been working with the survivors ever since. Ari Beser is a Freelance Multimedia Journalist, Field Producer, Videographer, Photographer, Writer, Editor, Storyteller Ari is the Author of The Nuclear Family, a Getty Images Contributing Photographer, and a former Fulbright National Geographic Digital Storytelling Fellow. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.

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