The unprecedented world: Ayako Oishi

Ayako Oishi

I am Japanese citizen and born in Tokyo and live in Tokyo. I liked taking photography as hobby. And I am really concerned and worry about this situation in Japan for children and next generations…



”2011年3月11日” 私は決してこの日に起こった事、そして昨年一年間日本で起こった事を忘れる事はないでしょう。3月11日の地震は東京に住む私にとって、1995年に起こった阪神・淡路大震災を思い起こす出来事でした。ただ、阪神・淡路大震災では原発の事故はありませんでした。



今現在も福島第一原発の1〜3号機からは、毎時1,000万/Bqが放出されています。しかしながら日本では、多くの人がマスクをせず何事もなかったかの様に生活を続けています。そして、放射能の影響を気にする人々は 「放射脳」 と呼ばれます。そして、「放射能は正しく怖がりましょう。」と諭されます。



福島県の公式測定データによると、2012年1月2日〜1月3日には、セシウム134が180MBq/km2、セシウム137が252MBq/km2、 2012年2月14日〜2月15日には、セシウム134が150MBq/km2、セシウム137が199MBq/km2とあります。今だ、毎日放射能が降下しています。その中で、子供達は毎日学校に行き、大人達は家族を支える為に仕事に行っています。でも、これで良いのでしょうか?

最近私はBBCのドキュメンタリー”Japan – Children of the Tsunami”を見る機会がありました。






(Translation: Caitlin Stronnel)

Firstly I would like to express my sincere condolences to the bereaved and all those who have suffered in the earthquake disaster.

I will never forget what happened on March 11 2011, nor what has happened over the last year in Japan. For those of us who live in Tokyo, the earthquake on 3.11 reminded us of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake that occurred in 1995. But that time there was no ensuing nuclear disaster.

As I watched the images on the TV, I was struck dumb. There were no words that could express my feelings.

After the earthquake, on March 12, Reactor No. 1 exploded and then on March 14, Reactor No. 3, which used MOX fuel containing plutonium, also exploded.

I’m sure everyone reading this will realize what this means. Unfortunately, there are no protective walls in the sky, neither in the sea…everyday the wind blows and the clouds move and somewhere in the world it rains or snows.

Even now the 3 reactors of Fukushima Dai-ichi are spewing 10 million Bq/h of radioactive material. But most of the people in Japan are continuing their daily lives as if nothing has happened—they don’t even wear facemasks. And those people who are worried about the radiation are called ‘paranoid.’ We are admonished to ‘not worry unnecessarily about radiation.’ But how safe is radiation?

Everyday, even now, 3000 people are working at Fukushima Dai-ichi, most of them with no guarantee of their health or livelihoods. If it wasn’t for these people, I would not be here. And if they don’t continue to work in the future, we cannot exist.

Even now, many children still live in Fukushima with their families.

According to official data compiled by Fukushima Prefecture, from January 2-3 2012, there was 180MBq/km2 of cesium 134 and 252 MBq/km2 of cesium 137. On February 14-15, the level of cesium 134 was 150 MBq/km2 and cesium 137 was 199 MBq/km2. Even now, everyday, radioactive fallout is present. And in that, children are going to school and adults are going to work in order to support their families. Is this situation acceptable?

Recently I saw a BBC documentary called ‘Japan-Children of the Tsunami.’ Ayaka, a child who appears in this documentary, says: ‘I’m very scared of radiation, I’m scared of this life that I’m living.’ But she is not able to tell her family her true feelings, instead consigning them to a notebook that she asked her father to buy for her.

Why is this? Is it because there is an indescribable atmosphere in Fukushima, and the whole of Japan, which prevents people from saying that they are scared of radiation?

Why must children and their families remain in Fukushima?

Even now, in Japan the earthquakes continue every day. In Fukushima too.

Even now, after such a major disaster as Fukushima, Japan talks about restarting its nuclear reactors. Even though so many people are suffering so much.

In several countries, there are plans to build new nuclear reactors. However, many countries have announced plans to phase out nuclear power generation. Why is this? Surely it is because the risk when an accident occurs is just too great. The history of Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant began in 1971. And then the disaster occurred in 2011. Even now, every day, workers continue to labor in order that we can remain safe. It will take more than 30-40 years before they can finally decommission it. The life of Fukushima Dai-ichi is just as long as it takes for the plant to die.

Despite all this, do we still need nuclear energy?



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