A Civil Engineer (27 years old) living in Yokohama. Also exports Japanese pop culture goods.
Fukushima Diary is his daily summary of events as they unfold, also his picks from Japanese media and other social media..
Readers can catch up with him on DiaNuke.org’s Facebook group.
I can’t understand people who still think in the paradigm of before 311.
“Getting sick,go to a doctor,doctor says it’s just flu. Come home and keep getting worse.”
“Believing their public announcement to say they only collect wrong information on the internet,not monitoring, and have the bots send you malware.”
They have been deceiving us since 311. Exactly speaking,even since before,they kept deceiving us and pushed us to hell. I have no clue why still so many people think gov is honest and right.
It was time for us to move forward.
Gov is the liar.They are trying to kill us. Whether it’s easy for you to accept or not,this is the reality.
I don’t want any more people to be deceived and die.
– Mochizuki Cheshire Iori
Minister of economy cried.
read here
Time has come.Most of the kinds of sea food detected cesium.We can no longer eat sea food.
read here
Japanese scientists push for more radiation tests
Dying plants in Bunkyoku (Tokyo)
See here and here
Fukushima Teacher Muzzled on Radiation Risks for School Children
Dead puppy in 20km area,in the sitting pose.
Cesium leaf mold is distributed in Hokkaido too.
NHK is one of the biggest stakeholders of power companies. And the power companies check if the TV programs are friendly enough for nuc.
NHK is the biggest stakeholder of these power companies.The sum of money is 34,000,000,000JPY
2.Chubu power company
3.Kansai power company
4.Chugoku power company
5.Tohoku power company
The high end kind of fish,bluefin tuna,has not been tested for radiation historically.and Bluefin tuna goes all around in Japan.
Be careful to consume it.
Dispensary report of Hohara elementary school in Date shi,Fukushima
“Through the first term,unusually many students nose bleed,and flu prevailed even just before the summer vacation.” https://twitter.com/#!/pochikorochoco/status/93664104392310785
A part of the B/S of NHK. NHK holds 7,100,000,000 JPY of Tepco’s bond.
No wonder why they manipulate the truth to broadcast.
New type of deceptive labeling of origins.@Supermarket chain Aeon in Ibaraki Can’t read it !!!
Hosono,The chairman of the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy in the Ministry of Economy,tried to persuade Fukui local gov to restart nuc plants by luring them with the Shinkansen project to Fukui prefecture.
なんで、県北の牛は2頭だけ検査?しかも、ホットスポットはずし。下野市3頭?県知事、なにやってんの!?RT@tochiginewsbot 政府、本県も出荷停止検討 2市目の牛肉基準値超え受け – 下野新聞 dlvr.it/d464P .
Tochigi prefecture is checking beef but avoiding checking beef from hot spot like Nikko.
The only anti nuc government bureaucrat,Mr Koga had his house blackout all of a sudden.Called Tepco ,they say it’s an influence of the large blackout in Yokohama,but there is no blackout in Yokohama.(I’m now writing this in Yokohama,with electricity.) 3 hours later,they finally fixed.
The fact is,ONLY his house got blackout.
東電は対応を後回しにしている模様。これは 。どういうことか? 古賀さん本人と電話で話した。以下内容。「1930ごろ、帰宅したところ、周囲の家は電気がついているのに、うちだけついていない。そこですぐ、東電に電話した。『1時間くらいで直します』という話だったが(私と話している1920現在で)復旧していない。
最初に東電に電話した後、別の横浜方面の番号で男性から電話があった。「西のほうで停電が出ているので、すぐ直せない」ということだった。だが、調べてみると「西のほう」で停電情報はない。どうなっているのか。 電力会社に詳しい経産省OBによれば「こうした場合、東電は直ちに復旧する義務がある。ところが、どうも直ちに対応していないようだ」。これは、どういうことか?
以下は時間の訂正ツイート → だが、停電の原因が単なる事故なのか、それともだれかの仕業なのかは、まだ断定できない。いずれにせよ、いまから20分前の2120現在で古賀宅だけが停電しているのは間違いない。
えい☆えす (原発被害で岐阜県に避難中)
新潟には福島から阿賀野川が流れ込んでいるので、その影響が大きいのではないでしょうか。RT:@KinositaKouta 新潟市沖のマダイの内臓から、セシウムが21Bq/kg検出。日本海側の魚の検出はひょっとしてはじめてなのかな。ここまできたか。
Radiation even leaks to Japan sea via river.Pagrus major from Japan sea detected 21Bq/kg cesium
Yellow bruise on the leg of 16 years old boy.
Dead cows in 20km area,including 90 pigs. Rotten and liquefied dead bodies,scattered bones,stench of death. Gov asked the farmer to sign on the paper because they destroyed the cows.
However,nobody’s sure if they killed them properly or they simply died of starvation or killed by wild dogs.
Anyway,the farmers’ loved animal family turned to be the dead bodies.
Sudden bruise for no reason.Hurts.Gets worse day after day. 15 years old girl in Yokohama.
Sudden eczema on 0 year old baby’s face. Feverish.