Nuclear Economics

Nuclear Power Plants Costlier than Ever: New Research Finds Construction Delays Escalate Cost

Nuclear Power Plants Costlier than Ever: New Research Finds Construction Delays Escalate Cost

Featured, Nuclear Economics May 31, 2018 at 7:21 am 0 comments

A new analysis of the history of nuclear power plant projects shows since 2010 delays have contributed 18 per cent the costs.

Aging Nuclear Plants in the US: Environmentalists and Citizens Question Massive Subsidies

Aging Nuclear Plants in the US: Environmentalists and Citizens Question Massive Subsidies

Featured, Nuclear Economics February 7, 2018 at 2:58 am 0 comments

It’s a David-vs-Goliath mismatch when a band of citizens’ groups takes on state government and giant nuclear corporations like Exelon. The Goliaths are used to getting their way. But let’s hope the fact that David won this round in New York is a sign of the times.

France’s EdF: Living with its ZOMBIE REACTORS!

France’s EdF: Living with its ZOMBIE REACTORS!

In recent weeks there has been heavy media reporting about the crisis in the French nuclear industry that has come in the form of the corporate giants Électricité de France and Areva teetering on the brink of collapse. Some English language media have covered this story, while inside France bothRead More

South African government sidelines all critics and steams ahead with nuclear

South African government sidelines all critics and steams ahead with nuclear

A recent report in the South African online journal Rand Daily Mail serves as another stark illustration of the way national plans for the development of nuclear energy lead to opaque, undemocratic and wasteful schemes that leave a legacy of corruption and environmental degradation. For citizens of other nations whoRead More