Nuclear Commerce

Mr Prime Minister, Importing Nuclear Reactors Is Bad Economics !

Mr Prime Minister, Importing Nuclear Reactors Is Bad Economics !

I feel particularly distressed that your government should repeatedly mock at the meagre food subsidies being given to the poorest of the poor in the country, in the name of “good economics’ and, at the same time, without batting an eye lid, dole out billions of rupees of subsidies to the foreign reactor-supplier MNCs both openly and clandestinely. It is all the more disturbing that your government should refuse to look at several cost effective, environmentally benign alternatives to nuclear power, just to help the foreign MNCs.

A request to the Russian President on his visit to India

A request to the Russian President on his visit to India

Remember Chernobyl Accident, Three Mile Island Accident and Fukushima Accident are frightening us. Are you not concerned about our future? We do not want to be victims of Nuclear waste, Radiation in and around Koodankulam, and an accident.

Do not sign agreement on Kudankulam Reactors III and IV: An Appeal

Prime Minister’s Russia visit Do not sign agreement on Kudankulam Reactors III and IV We express our anxiety and protest against the Prime Minister’s attempt to sign agreement with Russia, for reactors III and IV at Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant. With the public in and around Koodankulam vehemently against theRead More