Media and Censorship

The Post-Fukushima Nuclear Industry: A Case Study in Institutional Self-Deception

The Post-Fukushima Nuclear Industry: A Case Study in Institutional Self-Deception

Fukushima, Industry and Lobbies, Media and Censorship August 21, 2013 at 3:11 pm Comments are Disabled

TEPCO’s dilemma should make one thing painfully obvious, though mainstream political ideology cannot acknowledge it: this is not a job for capitalism. TEPCO should be abolished, and all of its assets and obligations should be assumed by the state. Soviet historians speak of the Battle of Chernobyl because it was a war against technology that required national sacrifice. Japan and the international community should have long ago realized that the Battle of Fukushima cannot be fought, let alone won, by a bankrupt corporation hiring casual workers through layers of subcontractors. A massive national effort is called for, but no one in charge seems capable of recognizing the need.

An Embedded Journalist’s Koodankulam Diary

An Embedded Journalist’s Koodankulam Diary

Koodankulam, Media and Censorship July 22, 2013 at 5:54 pm 0 comments

Scratch the surface & you would find all Indian journalists are sarkari. This chap Joshi – never heard of him – is no exception. Specially when they report on matters technical, all they do is reproduce the offcial hand out . They would not do their home work & bring back information which is not already in public domain.

Nuclear Secrecy is a National Threat

Nuclear Secrecy is a National Threat

The consequences of leaving nuclear bosses to their own devices are too dangerous to contemplate.

Radiation leaks in Thane: a national secret?

Radiation leaks in Thane: a national secret?

Union minister hints at radiation leak, scientists and fishermen confirm ecological damage; but no PIL or RTI query has managed to get BARC to release reports on radiation levels around Thane creek.