
Cyber Vulnerability of Kudankulam Nuclear Plant: Risks More Pronounced than the Current Episode Reveals

Cyber Vulnerability of Kudankulam Nuclear Plant: Risks More Pronounced than the Current Episode Reveals

Kumar Sundaram | The NPCIL must come clear on the larger issue of suppliers and systems involved in the KKNPP. Transparency is a pre-requisite when the safety of millions of Indian citizens is at stake. Also, the foreign control of crucial infrastructure is an important aspect that simply cannot be ignored.

Anti-nuke activist, Udayakumar, appeals to Indian President to end ongoing Government witch-hunt

Anti-nuke activist, Udayakumar, appeals to Indian President to end ongoing Government witch-hunt

June 13, 2019 H. E. The President of India Rashtrapathi Bhavan New Delhi 110 001 Your Excellency: Greetings! May I bring your kind attention to the Indian State’s systematic violation of my fundamental and Constitutionally-guaranteed rights and entitlements and request your immediate intervention in this matter please. My name isRead More

PMANE Statement against India’s first Away From Reactor (AFR) proposed at Koodankulam

PMANE Statement against India’s first Away From Reactor (AFR) proposed at Koodankulam

Koodankulam, Nuclear Waste June 5, 2019 at 1:28 pm 0 comments

Statement of the People’s Movement Against Nuclear Energy (PMANE) against India’s first Away From Reactor Spent Fuel Storage Facility (AFR) proposed to be set up at the Koodankulam power project site

AEC calls Kudankulam shut-downs serious, but institutionalised nuclear complacency continues: Dr. EAS Sarma

AEC calls Kudankulam shut-downs serious, but institutionalised nuclear complacency continues: Dr. EAS Sarma

Should not DAE and AERB enhance the transparency of NPCIL’s operations and provide more details to the public? The least that DAE could have done is to enhance the safety oversight and take the public into greater confidence.