Anitha Sharma
We do not want anything free. We are asking for life- Preethi
Are the poor without brains? Don’t our lives have a value?- Melrit
Should our children not live and survive? Santha
We have sat here for 8 months. We have shared our money and resources.It will be so till we die- Lavina
These are the voices and questions from the girls and women of the Idinthakarai village near the Koodamkulam Nuclear Power Plant in Tamil Nadu who have been protesting peacefully for the right to a safe, secure life and livelihood.
This heroic struggle that has reached 9 months now is at a turning point with more than 300 women joining the fast and 9000 people from various affected villages assembling everyday. Their voices passionate and calm but strong resound with the determination to stand by justice and life.
Right to life. Right to a safe and secure future. Right to be able to continue a way of life close to the sea.
There has never been such a massive peaceful rallying of women in recent times for raising the right to live.
Please come together for a few hours in your own area and show that as women you are with the Preethis, Melrits, Santhas, Lavinas and the innumerable others who want to return to their tiny coastal hamlets, bring up their children, for the men to return to the safety of their homes with the bounties from the oceans.
Their Life has to continue and who will assure them that?
If a disaster happens , KKNPP will spell doom to many parts of Kerala and Tamil Nadu too. So their struggle is for us too, for our tomorrows. So we do not become Hiroshima maidens, Chernobyl’ s children or the Clan of one-breasted women.
We request you to sit together and talk, sing and feel for the women of Koodamkulam.
Please write letters of support to the women of the villages.
Write letters expressing your concern and protest to the CM of Kerala and Tamil Nadu apart from the Prime Minister of our country.
Do heed the poignant lines of Kutty Revathy who boldly writes from Chennai :
“Is this the earth?
On this is human life possible?
The uterus where infants sleep
Will be burnt
The tender fingers
Tips deformed
Loss of womanhood
The end of masculinity
Is this the Earth?
On this is human life possible?
Atomic reactor
Killing life”
For life
Jyothi Krishnan Anitha.S Veena,M Santhi.S
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May 6,2012