“Bills of 20th century” (Mochizuki Iori’s daily column from Japan – August 02, 2011)

Mochizuki Cheshire Iori

A Civil Engineer (27 years old) living in Yokohama. Also exports Japanese pop culture goods.

Fukushima Diary is his daily summary of events as they unfold, also his picks from Japanese media and other social media..

Readers can catch up with him on DiaNuke.org’s Facebook group.

Today,they found two of the (at least) 10Sv/h points and 5Sv/h point inside of the building. The first one was found when they were moving off the rubble by remote control robots. But it was found by actual 3 workers. They attached a Geiger counter on the top of the 3meters poll ,shouted ,and ,ran.

So they went really close to that “something”. so Tepco started using gamma ray camera (see attached picture),then found the second one. Now there is no official comment about it.

But one of the most rational assumption is it a piece of the fuel popped out when they tried vent for the first time in 3/11. It means,it kept being there since 311.

Now we confirmed how much we were / are deceived. I don’t post them on my daily news but there are so many “stories” about Fukushima. I list some of them here. but I am not sure if they are trust worthy yet.

There are already a lot of the cracks on the ground in Fukushima plants.and smoke is coming out from them and the smoke is extremely radioactive. Already some of the workers have been dead for acute radiation dose symptoms.

Another major (not aftershock) earthquake is going to hit Shizuoka.

Esp about 3, it is quite likely. Last night,meteorological bureau had an interview at 4am though it was scheduled at 1:50am. However, their message was only that the last night’s M6 earthquake was not a preslip of the expected major earthquake to hit Shizuoka. Now I can not trust them like a 5 years old boy.

There is Mt Fuji in Shizuoka,and it’s pretty near Tokyo.(I’m living between Shizuoka and Tokyo.lol) Actually,the last night’s M6 happened just right under Hamaoka nuc plant. If Japanese pm Kan didn’t stop it before,Tokyo would have been blown off while I’m writing this.

His brave decision should be more evaluated I think.


Tepco manipulated estimate of the electricity consumption by 20%.

We didn’t need to save power !!




In 1994,expected life-span in Russia became shorter by 8 years.



8/2/2011 10:46

M3.5 in Fukushima



Aftershocks after 311.



Another point detected over 10Sv/h in Fukushima plant.

(The max of the counter is 10Sv,so it can be much higher than 10Sv)



Ex professional succor player Matsuda lost his consciousness in a training game.sent to a hospital but cardio-respiratory arrest. Temperature was 24.6C.



Highly exposed workers are now over 2000 people in Fukushima.



They detected 5Sv/h on the second floor of unit 1.

It’s near the pipe where they detected 10Sv yeasterday. This pipe was used to vent on 3/12.

Highly radioactive material is attached to the pipe ,they assume.



Radiation level in the air was the highest in 60s because of the series of nuclear test,

however,on 3/21,just within 24 hours,3 years amount of cesium 137 fell on Tokyo.




ジャーナリスト 田中稔


Our “majestic” minister of economy ,Mr Nuclear,Kaieda Banri is likely to resign the day after tomorrow.

I wonder why it’s not right now.


Now gov is pushing the “legal” safety limit of 20mSv/y to fukushima people ,

but Hanawamachi in Fukushima stood up against the gov,they stick to the 1mSv/y rule of ICRP

to save the people and to become more independent from nuc.



Refuse incineration ash detected over 8000Bq/kg in Iwate ken. Local gov states they will keep it safe but

could we trust them ever..?



In severely contaminated,a lot of the people are suffering from high blood pressure.

The same symptom was observed in Chernobyl too.



One of the best radiation statistics in Tokyo.

includes,dose in air,1m high from the ground,dust,rain,tap water,estimate of your total dose in 1 year or 5 years.



8/2/2011 7:02AM

0.85uSv/h on the train from Tokyo to Shimbashi.

too high.. something is happening.



8/2/2011 6:59AM

2.17uSv/h on the train from Tokyo to Shimbashi.







Tweet from an actual Fukushima worker.

Inside of the building,even just a particle of dust is 10mSv/h sometimes. Just after 311,we couldn’t get into the building so tried to water by using the hose from the sea,but the sea side had become like beach because of the tsunami and the sand was 6mSv/h.





Tweet 2 from an actual Fukushima worker.

In our usual check,nuclear fuel is about 8,000~9,000Sv/h,so finding material of 10Sv/h is not strange in this mess.I have no idea how to clean it though.


4.15uSv/h near rice field. Rice harvested from these places will flow to the market after summer.



Leaf mold detected 106Bq/kg from Shizuoka.






“US gives Japanese disaster refugees working visa.”

Is that true ?! I deathly want details of this info. If anyone knows..



In Tokyo,sewage sludge to contain 2,150,000,000Bq of radiation is produced EVERYDAY.

A part of this is absorbed into the air,a part of this flows to the sea,etc..

It’s as much as a nuc plant.




Before the first blast of Fukushima,in 7 km away from the plant,tellurium132 was detected.

This is a metallic,heavy kinds of radioactive particle,which doesn’t fly easily.

Why did they detect it before the blast ?



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