Mochizuki Cheshire Iori A Civil Engineer (27 years old) living in Yokohama. Also exports Japanese pop culture goods. Fukushima Diary is his daily summary of events as they unfold, also his picks from Japanese media and other social media.. Readers can catch up with him on’s Facebook group.
An anti-nuke demonstration was held in Tokyo,from Meiji koen.
50,000 people were assumed to attend but at least 60,000 people are in the demonstration for now. From an unconfirmed report,over 100,000 people are in the demonstration at this moment. This time, a lot of lawyers attended at the demonstration, also, they have learnt to take videos of police, so police could not touch the demonstration. Demonstration was on the live stream at 6 different locations.
Even major media,such as Kyodo and Tokyo shimbum reported the demonstration. The feature of this demonstration is the variety of the attendance. From young family with babies and old people attended at the demonstration. A 94 years old man attended with a wheel chair.
(Sayakaiurani SAYAKA)
94歳のおじいさんが車椅子でデモ参加。『私はあの時、怖くて、言えなかった。非国民にされてしまうと怯えた。 だから多くの日本人が死んでしまった。この国はまた形を変えて、 戦争を始めている。 決して原発という名の兵器を可動させてはならない。 あの時の悔しさを今ここで!』と訴えてます。
We didn’t want to look like renegades against the nation,so a lot of Japanese went to the battle field and died.Now alternative war has started.Nuc is the weapon.We must never start it again.
“During WWW2,I was scared of the government like all the other people.
During the WWW2,I deeply regretted.I don’t want to repeat that again,that’s why I’m here.”