Koodankulam: NAPM calls for writing to President


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NAPM calls for writing to President for cancellation of Koodankulam Projects

Barely after three two weeks fisherfolks and farmers protesting against the Koodankulam nuclear power projects are back to indefinite hunger strike from October 8th.

Thousands of people are sitting on indefinite hunger strike in Koodankulam, Tamil Nadu demanding cancellation of these projects over the safety and livelihood concerns. Earlier, on September 11 when the world over people were mourning the death of victims of wanton acts of terrorism ten years ago in New York, people around Koodankulam launched their massive indefinite hunger strike. They withdrew their fast on September 22, after Tamil Nadu Chief Minister promised to recommend halt work to the Central Government. The agitators also met the PM later and expressed their concerns to him and demanded that the constructions be immediately stopped. However, the Central government continues to treat this only as a matter of concerns around safety which has been expressed by the people.

The fact is that villagers and fisher folks are concerned about their livelihood and the long term impact on their life and those of future generations. We have been witness to accidents like Three Mile Island (1979), Chernobyl (1986), Kaiga, Mahasrhtra (2009), Mayapuri, Delhi (2010) and Fukushima (March 2011). Victims of the Bhopal Gas Tragedy till date have not received justice and continue to struggle.

The Koodankulam plants have untested and unreliable VVER (Vodo-Vodyanoi Energetichesky Reactor; Water-Water Energetic Reactor) 1000 technology imported from Russia. It is pertinent to note that Russia has not built a new nuclear power plant ever since the Chernobyl accident that happened in April 1986. When many countries around the world are reconsidering their energy policy and adopting New Energy and renewable energy sources, it is unfortunate that the Indian government is resorting to unsafe and expensive nuclear technology. Instead of being a world leader with alternative energy sources, Indian government is putting the corporate interests ahead of its own citizens’ interests.

We urge you all to write to President Smt. Pratibha Patil, Prime Minister Shri Manmohan Singh and Chief Minister Smt. J Jayalalithaa asking them to respect the wishes of the people of Tamil Nadu and also the decisions taken by the Tamil Nadu Government by immediately halting the work at the Koodankulam nuclear power plants, and safeguard the rights to life and livelihood of our fisher people, farmers and dalit workers.

NAPM Tamil Nadu has constantly supported the struggle, NAPM Kerala members and National Convener Medha Patkar visited the site and we continue to stand with them. Let us all fight together to work for a nuclear free India.

Use the attached letter also pasted below to send to President, PM and CM TN.

Smt. Pratibha Patil
President of Union of India
Rastrapati Bhawan, New Delhi 110004
Phone : 011 23015321 Fax : 2301 7290 / 2301 7824
Email : presidentofindia@rb.nic.in

CC : Shri Manmohan Singh
Prime Minister of Union of India
Room No. 148 B, South Block, Raisina Hill
New Delhi 110001
Phone : 011 2301 2312 Fax : 2301 9545 / 2301 6857
Email : pmindia@pmindia.nic.in, manmohan@sansad.nic.in

CC : Smt. J Jayalalithaa
Chief Minister of State of Tamil Nadu
Chief Minister’s Office, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Phone : 044 2567 2345 Fax 044 2567 1441
Email : tncmoffice@gmail.com



October 13, 2011

Smt. Pratibha Patil
President of Union of India

CC : Shri Manmohan Singh
Prime Minister of Union of India

CC : Smt. J Jayalalithaa
Chief Minister of State of Tamil Nadu

Honourable President,

People from different walks of life including farmers, fisher folks living around Koodankulam Nuclear Power Plant and others across the country have been writing to you demanding the cancellation of these destructive power plants. Thousands of people are sitting on indefinite hunger strike in Koodankulam, Tamil Nadu demanding cancellation of these projects over the safety and livelihood concerns. Earlier, on September 11 when the world over people were mourning the death of victims of wanton acts of terrorism ten years ago in New York, people around Koodankulam launched their massive indefinite hunger strike. They withdrew their fast on September 22, after Tamil Nadu Chief Minister promised to recommend halt work to the Central Government. The agitators also met the PM later and expressed their concerns to him and demanded that the constructions be immediately stopped. However, the Central government continues to treat this only as a matter of concerns around safety which has been expressed by the people.

The fact is that villagers and fisher folks are concerned about their livelihood and the long term impact on their life and those of future generations. We have been witness to accidents like Three Mile Island (1979), Chernobyl (1986), Kaiga, Mahasrhtra (2009), Mayapuri, Delhi (2010) and Fukushima (March 2011). Victims of the Bhopal Gas Tragedy till date have not received justice and continue to struggle, we can avoid creating such a situation even now.

Honourable Prime Minister recently wrote to CM Tamil Nadu that for a large and fast growing economy like ours, and given the volatility and uncertainty of international energy markets, it is in our national interest that we tap all sources of energy, and diversify our energy mix. He has further added that “Nuclear energy is one option to enhance our energy security. The central government will ensure that this is pursued with full regard to the safety, livelihood and security of the people.”

The Koodankulam plants have untested and unreliable VVER (Vodo-Vodyanoi Energetichesky Reactor; Water-Water Energetic Reactor) 1000 technology imported from Russia. It is pertinent to note that Russia has not built a new nuclear power plant ever since the Chernobyl accident that happened in April 1986. The Hindu in its editorial on October 13 has noted that :

“The government continues to be oblivious of the need for a credible process of post-Fukushima certification for the VVER-1000 installations at Kudankulam as well as other operational nuclear reactors. Fresh verification by independent experts is required to assure us that the passive safety systems of the VVER-1000 reactors are adequate or can be suitably augmented to prevent the dangers of meltdown from residual heat as a consequence of coolant circulation failure in the background of a catastrophic natural event. The challenge to Kudankulam can be converted into an opportunity to set a new course on nuclear safety in India.”

When many countries around the world are reconsidering their energy policy and adopting New Energy and renewable energy sources, it is unfortunate that the Indian government is resorting to unsafe and expensive nuclear technology. Instead of being a world leader with alternative energy sources, Indian government is putting the corporate interests ahead of its own citizens’ interests.

We demand that Government of India respecting the wishes of the people of Tamil Nadu and also the decisions taken by the Tamil Nadu Government immediately halt the work at the Koodankulam nuclear power plants, and safeguard the rights to life and livelihood of our fisher people, farmers and dalit workers. We affirm people’s right to resist and call on the Central Government to take a clue from decision making in European countries who work towards comprehensive renewable energy options. In a democratic country like ours development should be forced upon people, people’s consent is a must.

Warm Regards,

National Alliance of People’s Movements
National Office: Room No. 29-30, 1st floor, ‘A’ Wing, Haji Habib Bldg, Naigaon Cross Road, Dadar (E), Mumbai – 400 014;
Ph: 022-24150529

6/6, Jangpura B, Mathura Road, New Delhi 110014
Phone : 011 26241167 / 24354737 Mobile : 09818905316


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